A Review of Recent Advancement of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems


  • Bharti Priya
  • Kumar Manoj
  • Kumar Navneet


Advancement of TDDS, Polyvinyl Chloride, Dispensing a range of medications.


It works pretty simply; a medication is placed within patch, which is then worn on skin for an extended period of time. This results in a sustained medication concentration in blood for a considerable amount of time. A polymer matrix, a drug, & permeation enhancers are three main components of TDDS. Polymers can be either natural or manufactured & include Zein & Shellac as well as Poly-butadiene, Polysiloxane, Polyvinyl Chloride & Polyvinyl Alcohol. Reservoir & matrix systems, single layer drug in adhesive, multi layer drug in adhesive are some of several configurations of TDDS. More than 35 products are currently approved for sale in US, & roughly 16- active components are approved for use as TDDSs globally, indicating rapid expansion of the market for TDDS goods. Transdermal drug delivery is covert component of therapy employed in general population, despite fact that developing nations like INDIA have second biggest population & are also most expensive. TDDS is a relatively new technology that has potential to significantly decrease use for needles while dispensing a range of medications.







How to Cite

A Review of Recent Advancement of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems. (2023). International Journal of Research Development and Technology, 1(1). https://ijrdt.com/index.php/files/article/view/82