Photochemical Properties and Biological Activities of Bauhinia Varigata: A Comprehensive Review
B.V. linn (leguminosae) phyto-chemical activity and biological activity.Abstract
A little orchid tree is known as Bauhinia variegata linn. It also goes by the name "kachnar." It is a member of most archaic subfamily of the (Caesalpinoideae) and family “Leguminosae”. It is a medicinal plant & different parts of plant are used in hemio-pathy, unani & ayurveda in India to treat a variety of diseases. These parts of plant include leaves, flower buds & flowers, stem bark, root bark & stem seed. All crude evaluations of the arial portion of the bauhinia variegate linn for in (vitro and vivo) were made. The chemical components flavonoids, glycoside, steroids, tannins & reducing sugar that were so far identified from plants. The pharmacological properties of Bauhinia variegate Linn include anti-oxidant, antibacterial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, antiinflammetory, antiulcer, Nephroprotective action, immunomodulator effect & last wound healing activity. The current study is based on a review article that presented screening of B.V. linn in phyto-chemical activity and biological activity as well as future research on B.V. linn.


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